Ghosts on Maple is one of the more unique cover bands that gigs around Hamilton County. Playing an eclectic blend of alt-rock from the 70's-2020's. Where a lot of cover bands will drudge through the umpteenth version of Brown Eyed Girl and the typical schlock on todays pop radio. Ghosts on Maple leans toward a bit more obscure songs. Songs you likely heard on your college radio station. When I first heard them, at the Lacy Arts Building, I remember them absolutely crushing Radiation Vibe by Fountains of Wayne. I thought to myself, "I don't know the last time I heard a band cover that song...if ever."

I asked guitarist Jeff DeCocq, how the band came about and what made them settle on their particular musical niche.
Jeff: "It’s probably safe to say that Dean and I met because of our record collections. Our houses were both on the historic home tour the same year and my daughter came back from touring Dean‘s house and said there’s a guy just around the block who has records on the wall that nobody but you has ever heard of. I’d estimate we probably have 70% or better records in common."
"When Dean (VanDyke, lead guitar) and I decided we wanted to have a band, the idea was to play songs that we loved. Songs that had probably, in our opinion, been criminally overlooked by the mainstream. We also made a conscious decision to not do what other people were doing. While we both love classic rock, there’s a ton of bands out there who play that and you can hear that pretty much any night if you want to. The whole goal was to play songs that even though people hadn’t heard before they might feel like they had because they’re just great fun songs."
"We also met Russ (Richeson, bass guitar) because of records at the no longer existing Primeval brewing turntable Thursdays. I was playing a record by a band called Sugar, which features Bob Mould, who also had a fantastic solo career as well as being in the early 80s punk band Hüsker Du. We didn’t know Russ at the time but as he was walking out the door with his wife, he said hey, I love Bob Mould. We got to be friends and realize that he loved a lot of the same music that we do."
Russ: "After the three of us got together we started thinking that maybe we could actually do this. But, we still needed a singer and a drummer. Dean had been friends with Nik for a number of years and had heard him sing before and thought he’d be a great fit. And sure enough, he was correct. Then we just needed a drummer. I played with Cory in a little project that included some area musicians. As it turned out Jeff also had a connection to Cory. When Cory was in High School, Jeff was one of his teachers and his soccer coach! He fit in perfectly, too, and with that, Ghosts on Maple was complete."
You can find Ghosts playing the regular haunts around Hamilton County, just stay tuned to the HamCo calendar. In an exciting update to their current schedule, they'll be playing the historic Melody Inn on April 18th. with the Naptown Hepcats. Anytime you get a chance to grab a drink and listen to Ghosts on Maple, you should take advantage of it. It's a damn near supernatural good time!